Thu 09 Jan
$$ KoDiE $$ One Of A Kind Awesome & Amazing FuN...No Disappointment's!!!! 405-902-6836 - 24
(Oklahoma City, OK Metro & Will travel outer city areas)
LeT'$ PoP OfF ThIs NeW YeAr WiTh A AmAzInG FiReWoRk ShOw!!! $$ *WiLl TrAvEl FoR U*..405-435-6308 - 28
(Oklahoma City, OKC METRO IN & OUT CALLS ! 405-435-6308)
It's Marsha Marsha Marsha okc and surrounding areas (daytime incall nite outcall) - 39
(Oklahoma City, southwest okc/will travel in or outcall)
★L✪✪K➜H✪T★((PRETTY FaCe))((SEXY CuRvES)☞((❤BIG BOOTY CuTiE❤))☞ ★ ➜❤SuPeR SeXXY)★ - 25
(Oklahoma City, WILL TRAVEL)
$$💯 KoDiE 💋 $$ .....U💘ME !! Let'$ Start the night off Wright !!!! 405-902-6836 - 32
(Oklahoma City, OK Metro & Will travel outer city areas)
LaSt DaY! BaCk FoR liMiTeD TiMe! DoNt MiSs OuT! * Kristen Rose * UpScale CliENteLe * FeW DaYz OnLy ! - 22
FoRgEt BoUt LaSt WeEk ItS ThE F!#:$&:G WeEkEnD!! ...... WiLl TrAvEl ! 405 -589-1594 $$ PhOeInX $$ - 28
(Oklahoma City, OKC METRO IN & OUT CALLS ! 405-589-1594)
EXOTIC BEAUTY ::::: ::::: ::::: IN & OUTCALLS ::::: ::::: ::::: (( AVAILABLE NOW )) reviewed! - 25
✔ BLONDE -:¦:- YOUR NEW -:¦:- # ❶ ADDICTION! __ U WILL __ NEVER -:¦:- FORGET ME - 24
****The Ever so Beautiful Blue Eyes**** always available 24/7 in call specials - 19
(oklahoma city/ne wer u r)
TiNy SeXy PlAyMaTe ReAdY To PlAy...... WiLl TrAvEl !!!!! 405 -589-1594 $$ PhOeInX $$ - 28
(Oklahoma City, OKC METRO IN & OUT CALLS ! 405-589-1594)
The blue eyed seductress and beautiful audrianna... In/out calls available - 19
(Oklahoma City, Okc-will travel)
Its MaLiAh okc's NeW FaVe =••°★°•• ••& 2 GiRl ((SpEcIaLs )) 5★ UPSCALE • BEAUTY• - 27
(Oklahoma City, okc in and out will travel)
I'm ThE NaUtY GiRl WaNtS To GeT next to u ,on my worst behavior, 405-778-9287 - 30
(Oklahoma City, Okc&SurroundingCitys...405-778-9287;)
💖Heavenly💖 cant help it that im tight🍌🍌 R u Still UP?🍻😛💏 come get my🍒🍒🍒 it stays💦💧 - 27
(4055650791, Oklahoma City)
~I'm Waiting 4 Your Company! Don't Miss Out Fellas! Only in town for a couple of days!!!~ - 22
(OKC & Surrounding Area)
•♥• FANTASY & DESlRE ♥ SWEET & SEXY DOLL ♥ OKC Yukon mustang and surr IN/OUT call SpeCials - 24
(Oklahoma City, Okc Will TRAVEL In or OUT)
☆ BLONDE◇ ☆◇busty ☆Petiet & $weet ☆ Pretty Face ◇☆100% $@tisfaction !◇ ☆★☆ - 24
(Oklahoma City, okc and will travel)
---------- ALWAYS A WINNR W M --------- ALL SMILS WHN U £AVE - 23
💎💎💎AVAILABLE NOW❤❤❤Top Notch PROVIDER💋💋💋Sexy, Italian playmate..♥ ♡ ♥Dream Come True❗❗ - 24
(Oklahoma City)
*&^+* ChAmPaGnE BuBbLe bAtH+*W/ BLaCk ChInA DoLL *&+& - 19
(okc bricktown norman edmond luv 2 travel)
BBW beautiful baby blue eyed blonde 48H breast Thick is in!!! - 30
(Oklahoma City, OKC LAWTON TULSA)
Wed 08 Jan
??????? sNiCkErs PaCkEd wItH NuTs ??????? XtRa cHoCoLaTe ??????? - 22
(okc enid erick lawton& more!!!)
Serious Calls Only Will Travel AnyWhere...**OutCalls Only** ...405-739-6190 - 28
($$ OutCalls $$ 405-226-2607, Oklahoma City)
👠 💋 Real Dea l👠 , MATIURE 👠 BUSTY 👠 BLONDE 👠 Available Now - 43
(Oklahoma City, Edmond will travel-)
✋🏻✋🏻✋🏻👀👀�SEXY blonde 💯! Ready NOW!!👅👅💋💦💦 - 26
(Lawton, Norman, Oklahoma City, Stillwater, Tulsa, WILL TRAVEL TO ALL SURROUNDING AREAS)
🎆🎠Myra Monroe🎠MWC (405) 243 2220 or will travel 🎆🎠 - 29
((405)243*2220 (call or text)(in or out), Oklahoma City)
I travel Ready Now:** For the man who Demands ONLY TOP NOTCH where R U - 23
(Oklahoma City, Downtown Specials TRAVEL TRAVEL IN/out)
()()()** Wow* - $100 special--$100 special**()()() Hottest Blonde in the city. Better than the best! - 25
(Okc/ Will travel)
MaTuRe ~ BuStY ~ DeLiGhT.... ★. §IMPL¥ IRR£§I§TIßL ★ - 37
(Oklahoma City, Oklahoma city- Will Travel)
§IMPL¥ IRR£§I§TIßL ★ ☆ ▓► ☆ ; CLICK FOR #❶ PICK ☆ ◄ - 37
(Oklahoma City, Oklahoma City - will travel)
▇♥▇▇♥▇ LooK Here ▇♥▇▇♥▇ Not her⇧or her ↯ ▇♥▇▇♥▇ RIGHT HERE!✔ ▇♥▇▇♥▇ ☏NOW!!! - 23
(Oklahoma City, ™OKC/WILL TRAVEL™)
I'm back! independent, playful, unmatched skills and provide my full attention to your satisfaction! - 29
(Oklahoma City, metro okc)
Lunch Special 🍪Mixed 💣Shell120 hhOutCALLS💣Highly skilled & addicted 💊 NeverSeenBefore⏳ Rated#1 - 23
(Bethany yukon close to Penn 23-63rd, Oklahoma City)
@>¶~~~ CLICK H3R3 !!!! Dont miss out on these S3XY SP3CIALS --->> 100 hh incall (((( @>¶~~~ )))) - 19
(okc/will travel)
❤ Verified Ebony Vixen 😍 Total Package 💝 Excellent Reviews Google my # ❤ ALL REAL pics ❤ - 29
(Lawton, Norman, Oklahoma City, Stillwater, Travel to ALL Surrounding Areas Outcall, Tulsa)
hott☆sexy★only In town 4 tonight and early morning!!◆call now 405-822-1827 - 27
(Stillwater, In Okc But Will Travel To Stillwater)
Come n see your #1 Playmate 👉👉👉 Honey👈👈👈Il B Ur Personal Pleasure Pleaser👄👄👄 - 24
(Oklahoma City, OKC and surrounding areas)
LaSt DaY! BaCk FoR liMiTeD TiMe! DoNt MiSs OuT! * Kristen Rose * UpScale CliENteLe * FeW DaYz OnLy ! - 22
HOTT**HOTT** I DARE U 2 LOOK..( specials welcome.) - 23
(Oklahoma City, OKC. & SURROUNDING AREA'S will travel)
I'm ThE NaUghty GiRl WaNtS To GeT next to u ,on my worst behavior, 405-778-9287 - 30
(Oklahoma City, Okc&SurroundingCitys...405-778-9287;)
💋↬ i love what i do and so will you! ↫💋 》》》 405 · 881 · 6782 《《《 - 25
(Oklahoma City, Northwest Expressway)
Guaranteed The best in oklahoma. Call now for a great experience!!!! - 19
(oklahoma city/ne wer u r)
Tue 07 Jan
Late Night,Early Mornings, Im ALWAYS Ready....Let My Cold Blue Eyes Do The Work!!! - 19
(okc/will travel)
🎥 Real P💋rN🎥 24hrs 🔥🔥🔥Young Tight 🐱 #1CHOIce - 23
(downtown Specials travel Yukon blanchard, Oklahoma City)